Sunday, October 16, 2011

Finding The Origin

I have studied the dysautonomia information inside and out, over and over, up on side, down the other and trying to find that link to where this son of a bitch crossed my path is going to be the greatest find of all times. I have researched such remote things such as mercury poisioning, i.e. fillings from when I was a kid and even when we were younger in science class we played with mercury before they learned that it would cause children to grow six legs and crap.
I can remember swallowing countless ounces of Crest touthpaste as a small child, not even sure if they had warnings back then that flouride could cause your kids to glow at night. Lord knows it took them how many packs of cigarettes and countless deaths to realize that perhaps a warning or two on a cigarette pack might be helpful. So if I find a link to Crest, do I form a class action suit for all us ANS sufferers? Fights cavities, screws up central nervous system. Crest!
I came across a non related but interesting article about CSWS (Cerebral Salt-Wasting Syndrome) which I fit all the criteria to absolute perfection and I just so happen to have all my bloodwork & urine anaylsis spreadsheets for the past ten years ready for the discussion I will have with my doctor in regards to that.
I am always intrigued by all the information I come across pertaining to ANS disorders and when the complexity of NCS and an autoimmune disease are added to the mix, you have to almost get your MD just to be able to comprehend what the doctor is telling you. My exwife, although a very educated L&D nurse is so beyond clueless with all this, that talking to her about it is about as effective as talking to the 7-11 clerk as I purchase a soda, in one ear, out the other. Because she has a friend that is suspected of having EDS, although when I ask if it was RNP was positive in blood test or a genetic confirmation was done and by who so I could be referred to that doctor, it became way too much educated questioning to which my ex just stated that her Rheumotolgist advised her. I certainly hope my Rheumotolgist does that for me, certainly would save on alot of travel time, highly expensive testing and verification to determine EDS I-X. Now thats what I call service! Next time I see my EP doctor going to see if he can get me in for a teeth cleaning as well....Sarcasm, its the other white meat. Soooooooooooo anyway, leads up to the fact that the exwife is in denial, and perhaps I should define "denial".
You see, she spent the better part of six years convincing the doctors, herself, her family, our friends, her coworkers, the cats and any other asshole that would listen that all of my medical problems were in my head. So giving that some thought, imagine you are terrified of needles and cant even deal with the fact you have to go for a blood test, but due to all these medical issues that keep popping up, you are constantly getting stuck with needles, IV's and have even had two heart catherizations, yes I said two, all because this is a figment of your imagination. Now, when you finally get that diagnosis, you know, the one that everyone tried to convince you was all in your head, dont you just want to kick them so f@#king hard that your foot has to be surgically removed by a team of surgeons in Sweeden? Now, you might have some compassion if that same said person, I currently speak of the exwife with all the previous stupidity in her favor, were to perhaps step up like a normal human and perhaps apologize for being a Putana. Right? Wouldnt you just say, well just like all the doctors involved that she swayed into believing it was in my head, perhaps I owe her just a bit of compassion. Well not only did she not apologize but now is actually challenging the level of my ANS disorder. I know what you are thinking, moron right? Stubborn madre cooze? So determined to be right about something that she refuses to ever apologize for being 100% wrong. Even when she cheated on me, it was my fault she did that, lol. Yea, I introduced her to the online dickhead. Hes lucky hes still able to eat whole foods. But how could I blame him, shes the garbage that stepped out so he gets a pass.
So now the next chapter in my life is dealing with an ignorant exwife rather than an ignorant wife. The fact that I have a progressive form of ANS, which for us ANS savy peeps, means I possess another level of the syndrome that makes it that much more fun and dangerous. I exhibit Parkinson symptoms almost to a T and by the symptom chart alone, I am upwards of a level EDS V by symptom. I have random hematomas that form and actually cause bruising, its rather unique. So this rocket scientist I was married too wants to sit in with my doctor to challenge her diagnosis and if she fails to do that, then wants an exact TOD (Time of Death) so she can properly prepare the kids for this. Sorry if any kids are reading this but "IS SHE A FUCKING RETARD?" Terminal cancer patients given 3 months to live are walking around 5 years later but a cancer patient in remission has an infection dies in a week. HOW IN THE FUCK DOES A DOCTOR PREDICT A SUDDEN DEATH STYLE SYNDROME YOU DOPE? Un fucking real, you have no idea what kind of arguments have erupted from all of this. As I prepare for the worst, I have this boob asking me where, when and how as if I can predict it any better than the doctor. I have no freaking idea, I dont feel good, I am getting worse, I have an added autoimmune disease, yet I am still doing some things out in public from day to day. You get a freaking head cold and you are bed ridden for a day. Her father, the same way. A frigging cough and this makes him head for home yet he complains when someone calls in sick at his company. I told her, and anyone else in her family that wanted to walk a day in my shoes to step right up, I'll just give them ONLY the NCS and these fucking babies will be in the fetal position all week. I passed a 5 mm kidney stone with only two percocets, had that bastard in a jar to prove it too. So dont sit there passing judgment on me or pretend you have any clue what I am going through because even if I share ANS with someone else, we have totally different issues.
Inevitably I have death to look forward too, everyone else has to deal with her for the rest of their lifetimes. I'd do seven tours of hell drenched in gasoline in a heartbeat then to ever have to talk logically to her in any fashion. This is the most stubborn woman on the planet. I know my father reminds me I married her and I am going totally on record saying that once the I DO's were said, SHE CHANGED 1000%..... So whoever is single reading this, anyone who tells you that nothing changes after you get married, BULLSHIT!
So where was I, it seems I began to vent there just a smidge. Oh yea, all this ANS and where it may have entered my life. I also began to think lead paint, the old 1929 house I was born into had so many coats of lead paint on it that the doors wouldnt close tightly anymore. My grandmother had this belief that you had to paint every year so she did. I could chip away a good 1 inch thick slab of paint off any given wall it was so layered on there. I dont think it ever had time to cure from the first year application.
The house was also filled with asbestos covered pipes. Thats usually a cancer agent so not sure I will look into that but all these different things.
Then an oddity came up. I have to go over this one with doctor because of its rather odd introduction but very possible effects on me. Its called Brucellosis and its actually an animal disease BUT also a zoonotic which I found to be interesting. For those of you scratching your head and heading for Google or Bing, Brucellosis is an infectious disease that has alot of characteristics of Lupus and other autoimmune diseases and its extremely hard to detect. Left undiagnosed, its attacks liver, spleen, joints etc... Zoonotic just means that an animal can pass it to a human by direct fluid/mucus contact. You touch an infected animals eye, then accidentally rub yours its all on you now. Also through cuts and stuff like that. As a child and also as a young adult, I used to visit a friends house where in the back part of his ranch they had a slaughterhouse. As kids we'd go down there and "play" with the dead animals and their perspective "guts" etc... A breeding ground for every disease known to man. Having thought back, one of the lead butchers ended up with Lupus or Lymes disease, will have to further research, one daughter died of CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) and another daughter suffers from neurological issues. It has me intrigued now to think that perhaps something like this could have harbored itself for so long undetected and waited for me to become weak enough to attack. I am so open minded to all these medical oddities now especially the ANS and autoimmune.
So in closing, my best advice for anyone who is dealing with any type of syndrome, disease, disorder etc... to web surf with any stupid thought that crosses your mind and see if quite possibly it opens a corridor into an area of your medical life that is totally unexplored and has baffled doctors. It can't hurt to ask questions and if they say no, but later realize its a possible yes, not that "I told you so" makes it better, it just makes you feel as though you are in control of yourself to some degree. Its humbling to have to sign over power of attorney to your aging father knowing that its highly likely that you'll become incapcitated in the near future. I always worried about having to worry about what to do for my parents when they became too old to take care of themselves and now, the shoe is on the other foot. Very surreal. Thanks for reading.

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